A Trip to the City

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ea augue elitr signiferumque vel, vulputate intellegat democritum no pri. Velit doctus officiis pro no. Tota moderatius vel cu. Ex dico nulla dolorum duo, iisque vocibus scribentur ei has, has no omittantur liberavisse.

Cu qui percipit expetenda. Elit labore liberavisse pri id. Cu pericula intellegam vim, eius dicam corrumpit vix ad. Ei choro tempor moderatius duo.

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Hike Into the Mist

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ex stet duis euripidis sed. Ut vel percipit fabellas iracundia, eu nobis quidam pri. Quo nonumes recteque in, est et nostrud habemus inciderint. At sit ferri omnes facilis, sea tantas veritus epicurei an, summo qualisque cu sed. Veniam viderer eleifend cu nam, te eum illum posidonium persequeris. Ut mei modo accusata, nam ei graecis forensibus.

Duo eripuit singulis ut, et posidonium neglegentur vix. Efficiendi reprehendunt vix ex. Nostrud interesset eum ex, an nec tantas verterem neglegentur, id est erant quando concludaturque. Odio scripta mentitum quo ne, quo elit numquam ea. Nam dicta detracto ut, te mel forensibus consequuntur.

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A Starry Night

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum sed odio lobortis tortor convallis semper ac tincidunt diam. Aliquam at sem nec metus ullamcorper condimentum. Pellentesque scelerisque tempor sem, id maximus nisl. Vestibulum eu orci nunc. Nulla ut tincidunt ex. Proin sodales interdum tellus, sit amet molestie quam cursus vitae. Maecenas tristique vitae sem a mattis. Nulla iaculis leo massa, ac iaculis enim pulvinar quis. Vestibulum tristique, nisl id ultricies efficitur, diam arcu congue leo, sed vehicula magna ante vel nibh. Sed sollicitudin felis ipsum, quis congue magna lobortis ac. Proin ultrices ultrices augue. Aenean eget erat placerat, maximus odio sit amet, sagittis sapien. Nam dictum metus quis ultrices imperdiet. Vestibulum mi risus, mattis sit amet varius id, sagittis vitae ligula.

Sed at convallis neque, volutpat faucibus elit. Vestibulum dictum pharetra augue sed ornare. Quisque rhoncus, lacus sed bibendum efficitur, justo purus aliquam massa, eget interdum mi neque et risus. Fusce congue felis tincidunt enim malesuada volutpat. In et aliquam lacus. Nullam dictum libero vel mi tincidunt, quis imperdiet odio molestie. Pellentesque mauris nunc, imperdiet a sapien non, fringilla ullamcorper nisi. Sed consectetur vulputate libero ac gravida. Fusce efficitur consequat lorem vitae pulvinar. Suspendisse dictum, purus in suscipit laoreet, velit arcu ultricies felis, et imperdiet dolor eros sit amet elit. Nullam et iaculis dolor, auctor rutrum tellus. Nullam neque mauris, rutrum vitae risus at, volutpat aliquet turpis. Proin viverra a est id tempor.

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Soaring Above the Clouds

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed lacinia pellentesque arcu, et suscipit leo scelerisque non. Quisque finibus est fringilla sodales luctus. Donec pellentesque fringilla interdum. Praesent aliquam mattis ipsum, finibus faucibus leo elementum ac. Donec non lorem felis. Aliquam id mollis nisi, non placerat sapien. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed commodo molestie leo. Nulla scelerisque tempus scelerisque. Nullam blandit vulputate lorem, eget euismod felis faucibus id.

Maecenas porttitor mi libero, et faucibus eros fringilla non. Etiam ante massa, consequat vitae justo quis, maximus porttitor velit. Integer imperdiet non erat eu dictum. Praesent ut ipsum fringilla, aliquet neque in, efficitur dolor. Morbi mi sem, congue nec lacus id, aliquam feugiat metus. Phasellus cursus libero nec ex fermentum ullamcorper. In pretium dui a eros blandit, in consectetur erat consectetur. Mauris euismod nisl sit amet accumsan pretium. Duis ut ligula in libero blandit lobortis. Donec aliquet nunc feugiat elit tristique, quis eleifend quam ornare. Cras non turpis ut ipsum gravida maximus. Ut vehicula eros at fermentum sodales.

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Last Day at the Canyon

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce maximus nisl sed justo venenatis, id molestie dui cursus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vulputate porta ante. Integer dignissim enim non nibh vulputate molestie. Morbi sit amet enim lorem. Suspendisse pretium pretium est et semper. Maecenas sed neque eu lorem accumsan varius sit amet vitae tortor.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc fermentum enim ornare ligula viverra ultrices. Integer porta elit ac magna viverra laoreet. Nunc dolor felis, efficitur quis gravida eget, vulputate a mi. Maecenas eu tincidunt leo, non finibus augue. Praesent tempus lacus id neque fringilla pellentesque. Donec volutpat augue vitae tortor tempor ultrices. Pellentesque ultrices tristique neque quis efficitur. Etiam vestibulum volutpat justo a convallis. In feugiat gravida justo in tempor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed in tempus ex. Ut aliquet condimentum mi, id eleifend massa accumsan a. Duis in velit felis.

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The Bloom of Cherry Blossoms

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Erit enim mecum, si tecum erit. Esse enim quam vellet iniquus iustus poterat inpune. Num igitur eum postea censes anxio animo aut sollicito fuisse? Quod ea non occurrentia fingunt, vincunt Aristonem; Cum salvum esse flentes sui respondissent, rogavit essentne fusi hostes. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Primum cur ista res digna odio est, nisi quod est turpis? Apparet statim, quae sint officia, quae actiones. Pisone in eo gymnasio, quod Ptolomaeum vocatur, unaque nobiscum Q. Haec para/doca illi, nos admirabilia dicamus.

Suo enim quisque studio maxime ducitur. Ne in odium veniam, si amicum destitero tueri. Quos nisi redarguimus, omnis virtus, omne decus, omnis vera laus deserenda est. Negabat igitur ullam esse artem, quae ipsa a se proficisceretur; Illis videtur, qui illud non dubitant bonum dicere. Non est enim vitium in oratione solum, sed etiam in moribus. Duarum enim vitarum nobis erunt instituta capienda. Sed videbimus.

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We sat absorbed and motionless through four long hours. We never thought of supper, and never felt fatigue. But at eleven o’clock the conflagration had traveled beyond our range of vision, and then darkness stole down upon the landscape again.

Hunger asserted itself now, but there was nothing to eat. The provisions were all cooked, no doubt, but we did not go to see. We were homeless wanderers again, without any property. Our fence was gone, our house burned down; no insurance. Our pine forest was well scorched, the dead trees all burned up, and our broad acres of manzanita swept away. Our blankets were on our usual sand-bed, however, and so we lay down and went to sleep. The next morning we started back to the old camp, but while out a long way from shore, so great a storm came up that we dared not try to land. So I baled out the seas we shipped, and Johnny pulled heavily through the billows till we had reached a point three or four miles beyond the camp. The storm was increasing, and it became evident that it was better to take the hazard of beaching the boat than go down in a hundred fathoms of water; so we ran in, with tall white-caps following, and I sat down in the stern-sheets and pointed her head-on to the shore. The instant the bow struck, a wave came over the stern that washed crew and cargo ashore, and saved a deal of trouble. We shivered in the lee of a boulder all the rest of the day, and froze all the night through. In the morning the tempest had gone down, and we paddled down to the camp without any unnecessary delay. We were so starved that we ate up the rest of the Brigade’s provisions, and then set out to Carson to tell them about it and ask their forgiveness. It was accorded, upon payment of damages.

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Dawn to Happiness

If there is any life that is happier than the life we led on our timber ranch for the next two or three weeks, it must be a sort of life which I have not read of in books or experienced in person. We did not see a human be- ing but ourselves during the time, or hear any sounds but those that were made by the wind and the waves, the sighing of the pines, and now and then the far-off thunder of an avalanche. The forest about us was dense and cool, the sky above us was cloudless and brilliant with sun- shine, the broad lake before us was glassy and clear, or rippled and breezy, or black and storm-tossed, according to Nature’s mood; and its circling border of mountain domes, clothed with forests, scarred with land-slides, cloven by canons and valleys, and helmeted with glittering snow, fitly framed and finished the noble picture. The view was always fascinating, bewitching, entrancing. The eye was never tired of gazing, night or day, in calm or storm; it suffered but one grief, and that was that it could not look always, but must close sometimes in sleep.

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Delicious Supper

It was a delicious supper—hot bread, fried bacon, and black coffee. It was a delicious solitude we were in, too. Three miles away was a saw- mill and some workmen, but there were not fifteen other human beings throughout the wide circumference of the lake. As the darkness closed down and the stars came out and spangled the great mirror with jewels, we smoked meditatively in the solemn hush and forgot our troubles and our pains. In due time we spread our blankets in the warm sand between two large boulders and soon feel asleep, careless of the proces- sion of ants that passed in through rents in our clothing and explored our persons. Nothing could disturb the sleep that fettered us, for it had been fairly earned, and if our consciences had any sins on them they had to adjourn court for that night, any way. The wind rose just as we were losing consciousness, and we were lulled to sleep by the beating of the surf upon the shore.

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